Plaid Cymru, Liberal Democrats and the Greens have agreed a pro-EU electoral pact in 11 of the 40 seats in Wales, BBC Wales has been told.

The deal means candidates will stand aside for each other in those 11 seats to increase the chances of a Remain-supporting MP being elected.

It follows a deal by the three parties in Brecon and Radnorshire’s by-election in August, won by the Lib Dems.

An official announcement will be made in central London on Thursday.

The plan is understood to involve the Liberal Democrats and Greens standing aside for Plaid Cymru candidates in three of the four seats Plaid is defending in the December election – Arfon, Dwyfor Meirionydd and Carmarthen East and Dinefwr.

Plaid Cymru is defending Arfon by a slender margin

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